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I lived! I don't know how but I LIVED.

This is absolutely brilliant.


I only saw markiplier play a very short run to introduce me, but DAMN SON! This art style is legitmately creepy AF when I started playinh! I'm looking forward to the rest of this, and whatever else you have planned! This is the first game where I actually bought under the 'Name your own price', and I'd do it 10x over... for a complete game. Good work man, keep it up!

(1 edit) (+2)

For anyone thinking about recording this game, you may need to increase your bitrate! 1 Bit graphics are very demanding on the bitrate, especially when they're this volatile, and may end up blurry with your ordinary settings.

Would love to see some dev logs or insight into the creation of it! It has a wonderful style that makes me so curious as to how it's made. 

Keep doin' what you're doin', Sonoshee!

Edit: You remind me a lot of Lucas Pope.


Honestly, what an amazing looking game! The style is mesmerizing! It's really interesting and unique and I can't wait to play the other levels! Made a video of dying a few times before living, hope you enjoy! 


I have no idea how you're doing this but I beg of you, never stop.

Deleted post

Love the overall aesthetic and feel of the game, the story is so surreal that I can't help but be intrigued for what's to come.


No idea why YouTube is making some scenes blurry, but I enjoyed how amazingly weird this was. Sorry I didn't realize there were multiple endings until after recording.

i played this game this game for my channel the other day and i am absolutly impressed by it. there is so much to there game and i enjoy how open-ended it is


This game has such a good atmosphere. I was so intrigued the second I saw it. Everything has an odd ethereal feel in this game and I love the effects so much. While the endings at this point are slightly confusing and leave a lot of unanswered questions (because it's not done yet,) part of me enjoys their open-ended-ness  that allows you to come up with your own ideas. My only complaint with this game so far is that sometimes I didn't know where to click (not for long though.) I wouldn't let that stop anyone from playing this game, it's a delightful experience in a delightfully odd way that everyone should enjoy. I'm excited for what comes next.


this is exactly the kind of game i want to make. the meeting with the 2nd noid man in the club is a close cousin of the kind of dramatic feeling i want to recreate. my mind melds with stories like this. i feel the closest to myself and unashamed for who i am


holy fucking shit, i just finished recording a video and will be uploading soon but this is fucking beautiful and absolutely impressive, i am ver excited for the full release


Jeez, calm down man.


I really liked this game, the visuals were crazy and fun. But the highlight for me was the music, it was awesome, I was dancing the night away while I played. A great effort for the first chapter of a series. Well done developer, I look forward to playing more of this game and learning more about the story as it is developed.


Such a weird mix of abstract creep and abstract humor. I really enjoyed the design style, and the monochrome, morphing art added to the unsettling feel the game had. I'm interested in seeing how these stories all connect, and what else is in store for us.


Oh, god. That first time you see the images morph to change the facial expression is so disconcerting.


The Linux build only has a 32bit binary.  It might improve compatibility with modern Linux distributions to offer a 64bit binary instead (or in addition).


I added both versions now. Thanks for the heads-up!


Drunk let's play and confusing thoughts on the game, and I'm not confused just because I'm drunk... I swear!


I loved the music in the game :D It also looks very different than anything I have played.

of course it was confusing but I hope that will become clearer with the future story updates :))


I tried to play this on Linux (Ubuntu specifically) but it didn't open.

I haven't tested the Linux/MacOS builds yet, but in the meantime I think Wine + Windows build should work

I downloaded the MacOS one instead, and that one worked. And nice game, though.

Have you still got this MacOs version?

No. I don't use MacOs anymore.

Maybe the binary does not have the execute file permission? (Check file properties in the file manager.)


Well, i don't understand what happened, but it sure was neat.


Wow. This game is so rad. Loved the aeshtetic, the writing, the feel. Can't wait to see future chapters.


Critters for sale- 1:43 i loved the idea of the game. the ending blown my mind away i cant wait for the next ep! i was wondering when is the next one? 

Amazing game! I just want to know: will the whole game be free once the other episodes are done? or will they end up being paid?

Deleted 3 years ago

This was so cool!! I cant wait for the rest of the short stories!! I'll be making videos for all of them :D!!


what an awesome experience. Totally crazy and trippy but interesting in every way! 




The game blew my mind. By the end of the video... Me: WTF just happened.

Hence the title.


This game was odd to the highest of the what the fuck factor and I love it. II hope to see the rest of the game developed it was great.

This was the second game I played

Deleted 4 years ago

Well thank you very much


A very interesting game. While it wasn't too creepy, I found it more compelling story wise.

Here's my channel if you want to see other games I played.


This was one hell of a game to play, completely creeped me out and made me feel uneasy all the way through but kept me glued to the monitor...........except when i got scared lol

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I LOVE THIS GAME!! I cannot wait to see the next parts and learn how MJ is still alive! 

I LOVE IT! I normally quit halfway through and continue the next day when playing any VN but this one is so cool and interesting. CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT EPISODES' RELEASES!


Awesome and  weird game but i loved all the way through great job!!!!

Really intriguing game. Very very weird and strange but in all the good ways that keep you interested and wanting more! Good luck with the rest of the game! Will be looking out for it!! 


Amazing aesthetic, and one suggestion would be to add a "cut-scene progression bar" tucked in a corner. I didn't know if I needed to click or wait during the animations, so 6 little pixels below "temperature" would suffice, and add to the old-movie crossed with dos-game aesthetic.


Super interesting concept.  It got real trippy there for a minute!

(1 edit) (+1)

I didn't tried it yet and it seems so interesting! Surely I'll try it out... also, if you like this kind of themes, maybe you'll like my game "The Void".... I'm not trying to spam, I'm just trying to grow a little bit, and creators can help each other!

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